Saturday, March 1, 2008

Persecution In Colombia....

“If you congregate again, we will burn your churches with all of you inside,” guerrillas threatened in September last year...
This was the latest warning for Christians in 164 villages in Meta, Colombia, where illegal armed groups have almost complete control.As a result of the threats, many believers now meet in secret… but others have stopped meeting because of fear. As “enemies of the revolution,” their children are at even greater risk of being abducted and forcibly recruited into the armed groups. In the midst of this terrifying time for believers and their families,God is at work…and there is a growing spiritual revival among children!Children have been inviting their friends to their Bible studies and to their homes to play, and then they share Bible stories and talk about Jesus. They pray and wait patiently for their friends to show more interest in the Bible. Monica*, who leads an underground church, has been teaching the children how to continue with their outreach. “God is the One who gives wisdom to children,” said Monica. “They know they can’t talk about Jesus openly… but they have learned to share the Word of God secretly.”
Please pray for Monica as she trains children and teachers, and distributes children’s materials provided by Open Doors.
And pray for this new generation of passionate followers of Christ… that they will bring renewed hope to war-torn Colombia.
As in the days of Noah...

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