Friday, February 8, 2008

Christian Persecution in North Korea....

Jesus taught that his followers would be persecuted.Two thousand years after the crucifixion this is still true. Nowhere is this heartbreaking injustice more evident than in the communist nation of North Korea. As you read this, an estimated 100,000 Christians are being imprisoned and tortured at the hands of the ruthless Kim Jung Il.Why is this happening? For the same reasons it always has. Fear. Cowardice. Control. Despite the fact that religious freedom is guaranteed in the North Korean Constitution, the word of God remains banned. Those who attempt to share the Good News are imprisoned, beaten and executed. Many, like Kim Chul Min, escape to China, only to be captured and sent back to face a similar fate.As fellow Christians, we simply cannot let this continue. We must join together in the name of God and do something to effect change. Our Christian family is counting on us. They desperately need our assistance. Their lives are depending on it. Please, learn more about North Korean Freedom Week and discover the many ways you can help.
As in the days of Noah....

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