Thursday, July 31, 2008
Hamas' Christian convert: I've left a society that sanctifies terror

The continuation of this article will appear in the Haaretz Weekend Magazine.To read more go to:
As in the days of Noah...
Son of top Hamas leader converts to Christianity:'I hope my father and family open their eyes to Jesus and the Kingdom of God'

JERUSALEM-The son of one of the most popular leaders in the Hamas terrorist organization has moved to the U.S. and converted to Christianity, it has emerged.In an exclusive interview with Israel's Haaretz newspaper, Masab Yousuf, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheik Hassan Yousef, slammed Hamas, praised Israel and said he hoped his terrorist father will open his eyes to Jesus and to Christianity."I know that I'm endangering my life and am even liable to lose my father, but I hope that he'll understand this and that God will give him and my family patience and willingness to open their eyes to Jesus and to Christianity. Maybe one day I'll be able to return to Palestine and to Ramallah with Jesus, in the Kingdom of God," Masab said.Masab said he previously aided his father with Hamas activities, but he now has affection for Israel and laments Hamas."Send regards to Israel, I miss it. I respect Israel and admire it as a country," he says."You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews. They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Muhammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death."Masab slammed Palestinian society as "an entire society that sanctifies death and the suicide terrorists. In Palestinian culture a suicide terrorist becomes a hero, a martyr. Sheiks tell their students about the 'heroism of the shaheeds.'"Masab's father is considered the most popular Hamas figure in the West Bank. He is serving a sentence in Israel for planning or involvement in multiple terror attacks, including an infamous 2002 suicide bombing in the school cafeteria of Jerusalem's Hebrew University in which nine students and staff members were killed.In a statement to the Palestinian Maan news agency, Masab's brother, Suhaib, strongly denied that Masab converted to Christianity.But Haaretz stood by its story. The newspaper said it sent a correspondent to the U.S., who met with Masab for a detailed, in-person interview.
PS:Lets pray for Sheik Yousuf and for his son in the US now.There is nothing impossible with God....!http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=71097
As in the days of Noah....
Bush to Attend Church in China, Urge Religious Freedom

PS:Lets pray for Hu Jintao,that the Lord will soften his heart and that the outcome will be the expected by the church,for God's glory!!!!!!!!
As in the days of Noah....
Bombing widens division in Turkey

Pray that local officials will stop harassing Christians.
Pray for opportunities for Christians in Turkey to share the truth of who Jesus is with those around them
Pray for opportunities for Christians in Turkey to share the truth of who Jesus is with those around them
As in the days of Noah...
Persecution continues in India, Bible students committed

The trouble began when Mohan, a third-year student, came across an automobile driver who questioned his authority to distribute tracts about Jesus. The automobile driver then slapped Mohan on his face.Simson, another third-year student, was distributing Gospel tracts nearby and rushed to protect Mohan.The scene drew a crowd of people and they, too, began to interrogate the students. They shouted at Mohan and Simson, using vulgarities to speak out against them. Their attackers shoved the two students around and beat them until they were severely bruised. One of the attackers pushed Simson down and kicked him.
At first, no one came to the students' aid. Finally, a few people from among the crowd told the assailants to stop beating them. The attackers grabbed their Christian literature, telling them, "We don't want any Jesus." Then they let Mohan and Simson go, warning them not to return.GFA has 120 students enrolled in the Maharashtra Bible College. These are just a few of the many young people who are receiving the Bible school training. Yohannan says many more would like to attend. "For $30 a month, anyone can help to train one of these young people. We have 7,000 young people now in our Bible colleges all across the Asian nations. And, we have the possibility to recruit thousands more, if we had people pray and help them."According to Yohannan, this training is serious. "We tell them, 'You are going to the mission field because Jesus is sending you, and this is what He said: Are you willing to make a commitment and lay down your life for My sake?' So far, I don't know any graduates that have said, 'I don't want to get beaten up, and I don't want to get killed.'"
According to Yohannan, persecution is expected. "Wherever people are coming to Christ in large numbers, we see persecution increase. However, wherever the persecution is harsh and increasing, there we find more people coming to Christ. That is a strange irony."
As in the days of Noah....
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
President George W. Bush Meets with Bob Fu

President Bush’s willingness to meet with Bob Fu and other activists despite the sensitivity and complexity of Sino-American relations is a clear showing of his commitment for basic human rights within China.China Aid Association is deeply thankful to President Bush for his courageous stand in the advancement of Religious freedom in China and around the world.
As in the days of Noah....
Islamic Extremists Kill Somali Christian:Fifth Christian Martyred in Somalia in the Last Nine Months

To learn more about the needs of Somali Christians and how you can help them, please contact ICC.
PS:PLEASE REMEMBER PRAYING for Sayid's wife and family and the church in Somalia through this difficult time.As in the days of Noah....
Muslim Mob Stones Christians in Eastern Ethiopia:Spread of Radical Islam Brings Increased Attacks Against Christians in Ethiopia

As in the days of Noah.....
Please remember to pray for the people in the Gaza Strip that are subject to this horrible sufferings.Remember also those persecuted for their faith and the widows and orphans of christians murdered lately...THEY NEED OUR PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
As in the days of Noah....
GHANA:Executive director attacked, robbed

Pray that the Pimpongs will recover from the attack.
Pray also for their protection and for the continuation of their ministry without opposition.
As in the days of Noah...
Unique Open Doors Seminars Training Church Leaders To Better Counsel Traumatized Arabic Refugees

Difficult To Forgive
Forgiveness is an important word in the Bible and the concept of that word is one of the key elements of Christian theology. However, the emphasis on forgiveness in the Bible is almost opposite to the culture of the Middle East. There it is often more talk about revenge rather than forgiveness. Some Arab Christians have problems with the concept of forgiveness after so many years of oppression by other religions. Biblical truth is taught from the pulpit, but “forgiving your enemy” is often not part of that teaching. Though Arab Christians know that the Bible instructs us to forgive, it is difficult to forgive a person who has hurt or killed one of their family members. “There is nothing against anger and frustration, but you have to channel those emotions in a right way, otherwise it is possible that you will commit a sin, maybe a crime, and that is not God’s way. So a person experiencing trauma needs to learn how to deal with that anger and feelings of revenge. Therefore we have organized these sessions,” one of the trainers said.
‘Big Step Forward’
Counseling Iraqi refugees with trauma is a long process and can take years, depending on the person. Open Doors has started the first sessions in trauma counseling and hopefully many will follow. “It is unique what we are doing here. Challenging Arabs in areas of forgiveness, revenge, shame and honor is new in this world, but it is a blessing to be able do this,” one of the Arab trainers said.The participants are overwhelmed with the material and the information: “I am in need of this material when I am dealing with Iraqis suffering with trauma in my church. There are so many questions and unanswered problems, but we have made a big step forward now.”
As in the days of Noah....
Muslims Come to Jesus in Egypt

Prayer Points:
*Pray for the Muslim-background believers who experience severe opposition from their family and community when they decide to follow Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 10:32f)
*Pray for the Christians who were unable to bear the persecution and have denied Jesus; pray that they will receive God’s forgiveness, grace and mercy. (Matthew 26:41)
*Pray for the Christian leaders and their families in Egypt who risk their lives serving newly converted Muslim-background believers. (Philippians 1:4,5)
Source:Open Doors
As in the days of Noah....
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Freed U.S. hostage was Chad rebels' "guest of honor"

N'DJAMENA-Freed U.S. missionary Steven Godbold expressed relief to be on his way home on Saturday but said Chadian rebels had treated him as "guest of honor" during his nine months as a hostage deep in the Sahara.Godbold, 49, was captured in October as a suspected spy by rebels in the remote, mountainous north of Chad while helping a local organization transport equipment to drill water wells.He was freed late on Thursday to local officials in northern Chad and formally handed over to the U.S. ambassador by the Chadian government in the capital N'Djamena on Saturday."My main feeling is relief at being released. I am very happy," Godbold said. "I am very happy with everything the Chadian government has done to obtain my release, and the way they have worked with rebel groups to achieve that."Godbold, who is married and has four children according to The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM), based in Wheaton, Illinois, said he had found his imprisonment psychologically difficult, especially being separated from his family."But I was never physically mistreated. Nobody ever said a threatening word to me. I was treated almost as a guest of honor. We ate together, we drank tea together, we played cards together and we chatted together," he said.Godbold, of Sarasota, Florida, has worked as a missionary in Chad since 1991. He was captured last October by the rebel Movement for Democracy and Justice in Chad (MDJT) on suspicion of being a spy for the Chadian government.
Chad's MDJT was formed in the Tibesti mountains in the Sahara in the late 1990s but has been eclipsed in recent years by eastern rebels battling Chadian President Idriss Deby from bases near the border with Sudan's Darfur region.Chadian Foreign Minister Moussa Faky Mahamat, who handed Godbold over to U.S. Ambassador Louis Nigro, said the government had made no deal with the rebels for Godbold's release."We didn't launch a military operation so as not to put his life in danger," he said.At the time of his seizure, Godbold was working on a humanitarian assistance project drilling water wells in the Zoumri region, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense.In January the MDJT said its inquiries showed Godbold was not working for the Chadian government as it had originally suspected, but on that and several subsequent occasions hopes of an imminent release came to nothing.Godbold's TEAM organization said on Friday his release had followed "extensive negotiations between his captors and TEAM"."TEAM emphasizes that Godbold's release was unconditional and that no ransom was paid and no concessions of any type were made to secure his release," the evangelical group said.TEAM said Godbold would be flown home to his family in the United States via Europe, though it was not clear when he would leave N'Djamena.A plethora of armed groups operate in the Sahara, and several have taken Westerners hostage in recent years. Al Qaeda's North African arm is thought to be holding two Austrian tourists on the Mali-Algeria border hundreds of kilometers (miles) west of Chad, after seizing them in Tunisia in February.
As in the days of Noah...
Friday, July 25, 2008
Chad rebels free U.S. missionary after 9 months

As in the days of Noah...
Chad Rebels Release Stephen Godbold After 9 Months

As in the days of Noah....
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Islam Court Stands Behind Kidnapping, Forced Conversion and Rape of Christian Girls...

As in the days of Noah....
Monday, July 21, 2008
B.C. couple brutally attacked in Kenya to return home

A Canadian missionary couple recovering from severe injuries sustained in a vicious attack in Kenya will be returning home soon, said their daughter-in-law.John Bergen, 70, was attacked on July 9 by a gang of robbers armed with machetes, suffering broken arms and a skull fracture.His 63-year-old wife Eloise was tied up and sexually assaulted. The couple had moved from Vernon, B.C., to Kenya in March to do missionary work and run programs to feed the poor.Seven people have been arrested in the attack, including two security guards hired to protect the fenced-in compound where the couple live in the volatile region of Mount Elgon.Initially, the couple said they wanted to stay in Kenya. But Robin McGeogh, the Bergens' daughter-in-law, told CBC News that they have been convinced to come back to Canada because of extent of their injuries and the better care they can receive at home."Canada's got the really good rehab, and the faster you get home and start a good rehab, the faster you can get out and do things like … end up back in Kenya," McGeogh said from her home in Chestermere, Alta., east of Calgary.Her son and two of the Bergen's sons flew over to Kenya after the attacks to be with them.
Plans to visit, pray for accused assailants in jail
Plans to visit, pray for accused assailants in jail
The Bergens say they suspect their attackers may have been connected to some security guards they recently fired and may have been seeking revenge. Theft was also likely a motive since the couple's laptop and cash were stolen during the attack.McGeogh said her father-in-law may get out of the hospital in Nairobi on Saturday, but that doesn't mean he'll get on the plane the next day.She said he plans to visit the men charged with the crime in prison to pray and forgive them. "I know that John and Eloise would not want them to go for, on death row or anything like that, so that might cause even more delay because that might keep him there to protest that," she said.The couple plans to spend some time in Calgary before returning to Vernon, McGeogh said.
As in the days of Noah....
President of Chinese House Church Alliance Forced to Live on Streets For meeting with American Congressional Delegation

To voice your concern, please contact:
Chinese Embassy in Washington DC Address:
2201 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.,
Washington D.C. 20007
Tel: (202) 338-6688, (202)5889760
Fax: (202) 588-9760
Attn: Chinese Ambassador to the US, Mr. Zhou Wenzhong
PS:Please PRAY,PRAY,PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As in the days of Noah....
Friday, July 18, 2008
Court says 'gay' rights trump Christian rights:Dismisses free-speech case filed by Philadelphia 11

A federal appeals court dismissed a civil rights complaint by 11 Philadelphia Christians, ruling their First Amendment rights were trumped by the First Amendment rights of homosexuals at the city's taxpayer-funded "Outfest" celebration in 2004. "The city has an interest in ensuring that a permit-holder can use the permit for the purpose for which it was obtained," this week's opinion from the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said. "This interest necessarily includes the right of police officers to prevent counter-protestors from disrupting or interfering with the message of the permit-holder."The decision upheld a lower court's dismissal of the civil action against the city of Philadelphia and its police filed by the "Philadelphia 11," as they have come to be known.Ted Hoppe, a lawyer allied with the Alliance Defense Fund, had argued in the appeal that speech "cannot be silenced simply because another person or group does not agree with it. City officials must be held accountable for their decision to violate the First Amendment rights of Christians who wanted nothing more than to engage in peaceful assembly on a public street."Marcavage, founder of Repent America and organizer of the protest, said the lawyers were reviewing the appellate ruling and deciding whether there are further open doors for the plaintiffs.Members of the "Philadelphia 11" were arrested Oct. 10, 2004, after quoting the Bible and expressing their views against homosexual behavior on a public street during "OutFest," a publicly funded celebration of homosexuality.The protesters were jailed overnight, but a judge later dismissed any criminal counts as having no basis in fact. The individuals then filed the damage lawsuit against the city.U.S. District Judge Lawrence Stengel had concluded in dismissing the civil rights claim that a "permit" granted by the city to the homosexuals allowed police to silence the Christian activists' message on public streets."It is without question that Judge Stengel's decision has set a precedent to eliminate the First Amendment rights of others by citing that a 'permitting scheme' can be used by police and event organizers to 'exclude persons expressing contrary messages' in public areas and at public events," Marcavage said earlier.Marcavage told WND today the issues of speech rights should have been left to a jury."It's very interesting the court affirmed our rights to be at Outfest, but it should have been left to a jury to decide whether or not our presence was disruptive," he said.He said the appellate opinion cited as fact issues a jury should have been allowed to determine, since the 11 were charged with both felonies and misdemeanors in the original criminal case – but not being a disruption, which was cited in the ruling.A video of the arrest has been posted on YouTube:
According to Repent America, the Christians on that day "were confronted by a militant mob of homosexuals known as the 'Pink Angels' who blew loud whistles and carried large pink signs in front of them to block their message and access to the event, while others screamed obscenities." "The Philadelphia police, under the direction of Chief Inspector James Tiano, the city's 'police liaison to the gay and lesbian community,' refused to take any action as the Christians were continuously followed, obstructed and harassed, even though they respectfully cooperated with police, obeying orders to move, short of being directed out of the event," the group said.The Philadelphia 11 spent 21 hours in jail and faced criminal counts that could have resulted in prison terms of 47 years and $90,000 fines before the counts were dropped.The civil rights complaint then followed."While, in its decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit did ultimately side with the city of Philadelphia, it did make some important rulings which should serve to support the rights of Christians to speak in the public square. In its decision, the appeals court rejected U.S. District Court Judge Lawrence F. Stengel's decision from earlier this year in which he ruled that the Philadelphia 11 should have been prohibited from engaging in their constitutional rights on the public streets and sidewalks because 'once the City issued a permit to Philly Pride for OutFest, it was empowered to enforce the permit by excluding persons expressing contrary messages,'" Repent America said.Repent America said the appeals court found that despite the fact that the event organizers had a permit, the Philadelphia 11 had a constitutionally protected right to be present on the public streets and sidewalks within the event area and convey their message.The court's justification for supporting police actions against the Christians was based on "the court's perception that the Philadelphia 11 were 'disrupting the event,'" the organization said. "The court came to this conclusion even though the Christians were not charged, arrested or even threatened with arrest for being 'disruptive.'"Hoppe said that result is "concerning.""We believe that a review of the video footage of the event clearly shows that the Philly 11 went out of their way to be cooperative and not be disruptive themselves. The only disruption that occurred, if any, was due to the crowd's reaction to the message that the Philly 11 was conveying," Hoppe said."It is encouraging that the court affirmed the rights of Christians to go into the public square and engage in free speech activities. However, it does seem somewhat contradictory to say that, on the one had the Philly 11 had a constitutionally protected right to be present at the event and to speak, but then to also say that if the crowd does not like their message, the Philly 11 can be removed."
As in the days of Noah...
Kidnapped Christian girls, judge ratifies marriage and conversion

Islamabad-District judge Mian Muhammad Naeem, of the section of Muzaffargarh, has ruled that the two Christian sisters "have converted in a legitimate manner to Islam", and for this reason they cannot be "restored to their family of origin". Setting aside the request from their father to regain custody of his daughters, the judge also admitted the "validity" of the marriage of the girls to two Muslims.Saba Younas, aged 13, and her sister Anila were kidnapped last June 26 in the village of Chowk Munda, in the province of Punjab, where they had gone to visit their uncle, Khalid Raheel. This is the same uncle who in recent days reported their kidnapping, asking for help from news organisations and human rights groups. According to Raheel's account, a Muslim fruit vendor named Muhammad Arif Bajwa kidnapped the girls, and then handed them over to a friend, Falak Sher Gill, who then organised the marriage between his own son and the older of the Christian sisters, Saba. In court, moreover, father and son both stressed the "complete willingness of the girl to contract marriage".The girls' uncle does not conceal his preoccupation, and denounces to AsiaNews that the Muslims involved in the kidnapping are acting as a "gang", recruiting the girls in order to "make them work in a bordello".This alarm has also been heard by the Catholic commission for justice and peace (NCJP) in the country, which confirms the words of Khalid Raheel: the kidnappers are believed to be human traffickers linked to prostitution, known to the police and under the protection of some local politicians."For these unscrupulous people", charges Naeem Asghar, local coordinator of the NCJP, marriage is a pretence in order to control the girls, run their lives and exploit them for their own business purposes".The Catholic community continues to uphold the cause of Saba and Anila, and promises that the family will not be left to itself. Expressing the hope that the girls will be brought back home, the coordinator of the NCJP emphasises that "an appeal will soon be presented to the high court of Multan, to contest the decision of the district judge" and have the girls "restored to their parents".
by Qaiser Felix
As in the days of Noah...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
World's Former Only Hindu Country Opens to Christianity

As in the days of Noah....
Free Video Download and Prayer Guide to Help You Pray for China during the Olympics

• An Olympic Prayer Guide (in English, Spanish, German, simplified Chinese, and traditional Chinese)
• A 4-minute and 6-minute Olympic Prayer Video (in low, or hi-resolution)
Here are 3 ways you can help:
First, join with churches around the world to pray for three minutes during your normal service on Sunday, August 3. You can show the 3-minute video, which features short messages from a Chinese pastor and a past Australian Olympic athlete. After watching the video, you can spend 3 minutes praying for China with the help of the Olympic Prayer Guide. Second, copy the Olympic Prayer Guide for each member of your congregation and include it with your church bulletin. Rather than just being spectators to the various Olympic events, encourage people to participate in God's agenda by keeping the prayer sheet close to the television and spending time praying during the commercial breaks.
Third, organize a combined churches prayer meeting some time during the week leading up to the opening ceremony on Friday, August 8.
The people of China need our prayers at this important time in history. Let's stand with them.
Source: Australian Director - Chinese Church Support Ministries
As in the days of Noah....
Zimbabwe's Christian churches reject Mugabe victory

HARARE-Zimbabwe's Christian community has rejected President Robert Mugabe's re-election last month as marred by violence and intimidation and expressed support for efforts to form a government of national unity.In a statement obtained by Reuters on Tuesday, the heads of all the churches in the predominantly Christian country said the race between Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was marked by the worst violence since independence in 1980.Tsvangirai pulled out of a run-off ballot last month, citing a campaign of intimidation and killings by Mugabe supporters that Western governments said made his re-election illegitimate.U.S. President George W. Bush said on Tuesday he was disappointed Russia and China had vetoed broader sanctions against Mugabe and other Zimbabwean officials, but said the United States may impose tougher penalties of its own.In their statement, the Zimbabwean churches said they were "ready and committed to partner with all efforts that will result in a transitional authority and subsequently a government of national unity, to bring peace stability and reconciliation within the nation.The Heads of Christian Denominations said the torture, murder, abductions, displacement and psychological trauma had fatally undermined the election."Our conclusion is that the will of the people of Zimbabwe was not given authentic expression during these elections," they said, adding that the violence was continuing.Mugabe, 84, in power since the end of British rule, blames the opposition for the bloodshed.Tsvangirai has demanded the government halt all attacks on his supporters as one of several pre-conditions to negotiating with Mugabe's ruling ZANU-PF.
Preliminary talks between Tsvangirai's MDC, a smaller faction of the party and ZANU-PF appear to have stalled despite the efforts of South African mediators to get all three to agree to a framework for more substantial negotiations.An opposition source said on Tuesday the talks were set to resume on Wednesday.Tsvangirai topped the first round but failed to get the absolute majority needed to avoid a second ballot.He wants an African Union envoy named to help mediate talks, something South African Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Aziz Pahad rejected on Tuesday.South Africa and other AU members are pressuring Mugabe and Tsvangirai to accept a power-sharing deal similar to the one that ended post-election violence in Kenya earlier this year.African leaders see a unity government as the way to avert a spread of violence and total economic collapse in Zimbabwe, which has the world's highest inflation rate, estimated at more than 2 million percent, and chronic food and fuel shortages.The United States and Britain, among Mugabe's fiercest critics, have called on African nations to take a tougher stand on his government and Bush said Washington could act alone."I think the thing we need to do now is for us to analyze whether or not we can have some bilateral sanctions on the regime leaders," he said in Washington.
Preliminary talks between Tsvangirai's MDC, a smaller faction of the party and ZANU-PF appear to have stalled despite the efforts of South African mediators to get all three to agree to a framework for more substantial negotiations.An opposition source said on Tuesday the talks were set to resume on Wednesday.Tsvangirai topped the first round but failed to get the absolute majority needed to avoid a second ballot.He wants an African Union envoy named to help mediate talks, something South African Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Aziz Pahad rejected on Tuesday.South Africa and other AU members are pressuring Mugabe and Tsvangirai to accept a power-sharing deal similar to the one that ended post-election violence in Kenya earlier this year.African leaders see a unity government as the way to avert a spread of violence and total economic collapse in Zimbabwe, which has the world's highest inflation rate, estimated at more than 2 million percent, and chronic food and fuel shortages.The United States and Britain, among Mugabe's fiercest critics, have called on African nations to take a tougher stand on his government and Bush said Washington could act alone."I think the thing we need to do now is for us to analyze whether or not we can have some bilateral sanctions on the regime leaders," he said in Washington.
As in the days of Noah....
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Iran shows defiance; believers forced underground

Pray for strength for those who come to Christ, despite the threats and dangers.
Pray that the government will be open to change and allow full rights and protection for non-Muslims.
Pray that the government will be open to change and allow full rights and protection for non-Muslims.
As in the days of Noah...
Local church leaders help rebuild

Asia-Christian leaders in China and Myanmar plan to help with long-term rebuilding after the recent natural disasters, and Partners International is committed to supporting them."Our desire as Partners International is to help brothers and sisters in Christ who are already reaching their neighbors long before these disasters occurred, and helping them to strengthen their outreach and ministries in practical ways," said Howard Amland, Vice President, Resource Partners, of Partners International.Thousands died, and millions lost their homes in the 8.0-magnitude earthquake in Sichuan Province, China on May 12. Cyclone Nargis left 50,000 dead and hundreds of thousands homeless in Southern Myanmar on May 2-3. It also wiped out the rice harvest in the Irrawaddy Delta, a region that was poor even before the cyclone, and destroyed the fishing boats."A long-term presence is needed in order to...rebuild those communities into viable places in which to live and work,"Amland said."In farming communities and fishing communities, individuals can't really make a living right now.Entire areas...won't be able to be replanted for quite some time to come."Ministry partners are building houses and providing basic necessities like plates, bowls, and shoes in Burma.In China, its partners are helping with construction projects, counseling, caring for orphans and the elderly, and developing micro-enterprise projects.Partners International works with about 100 ministry partners, primarily in the 10/40 window.Many of these partners live in economically-depressed areas and must rely on outside assistance to grow their ministries."Many of our partners, particularly in the difficult areas, they're just doing ministry: they're reaching the lost, which is very admirable," Amland said. "But in order for them to grow beyond those initial beginnings and one-to-one ministry, they'll need resources and training in how to better communicate, particularly with the Western world."Ministry partners also receive biblical training and mentoring in stewardship and board governance. In China, they are involved in church planting, theological training, poverty relief, and reaching unreached people groups. Ministry partners in Myanmar have been involved in church planting, leadership training, youth centers, orphanages, child sponsorship, drug rehabilitation, and training local missionaries.Servant partnership, Amland says,"is partnership done in the spirit of our Lord's agape love, not to seek fulfillment or personal satisfaction.It's done with the primary desire to help accomplish the objectives and fulfill the vision of the other partner.""Those of us who have the privilege of living in the resource-rich area of the West need to reach out to our brothers and sisters in the non-western world who have opportunity-rich situations."
Pray that God will strengthen His church in Myanmar and Sichuan Province.
Pray that God will strengthen His church in Myanmar and Sichuan Province.
As in the days of Noah...
Nepal's new government vows not to harm Christians

Pray that Christians will be allowed to worship freely.
As in the days of Noah...
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