Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ministry adds food to its North Korean Bible outreach

An international relief ministry has expanded its distribution of scripture to Christians in the most persecuted nation in the world to include something more than spiritual food.For several years, Alpha Relief has provided humanitarian aid and discipleship materials to persecuted Christians in North Korea. Initially, Alpha Relief concentrated on scripture distribution to the underground church, but founder Chris Moore realized that many Christians were starving to death because of a widespread famine."Around December of 2006, we started getting word from the people we were working with, that they literally had run out of food and they were going into the woods to forage for roots and to pull bark off of trees and essentially eat anything they could find," he says. "So when the situation became that dire and we were aware of it, we added to our scripture distribution the element of emergency food aid."He explains that if people cannot eat and are dying of starvation, then sending Bibles has very little meaning. The underground church helps in the distribution of food to orphans and the homeless, says Moore. He also explains that there are many factors contributing to the famine plaguing North Korea. He includes among them are the fact that less than 20 percent of North Korea is suitable for farming, and the Marxist-Leninist policies of the communist nation.

As in the days of Noah...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for spreading the word about what Alpha Relief is doing!

We are continually trying to make a difference where a difference needs to be made. You are helping!