Attorneys for a high school valedictorian whose microphone was turned off when she began sharing her Christian faith say they'll appeal her case to the U.S. Supreme Court.The Rutherford Institute is representing Brittany McComb, whose lawsuit against school officials was dismissed Friday by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeals court stated that "by preventing her from making a proselytizing graduation speech," McComb's free speech and free exercise rights were not violated, nor was her right to equal protection.In June 2006, McComb strayed from her school-approved script to tell how faith in Jesus had filled a void in her life.Her microphone was shut off in mid-sentence as she said, "God's love is so great that he gave up-gave up his only Son..." The audience responded with boos and shouts to turn it back on, and responded similarly when school officials attempted to introduce the next valedictorian speaker, saying "she deserves this chance to speak."One month later, McComb filed a First Amendment lawsuit against Foothill High (Henderson, Nevada). The school's attempts to have that original case dismissed were rejected by the U.S. District Court for Nevada in June 2007, and school officials subsequently appealed to the Ninth Circuit to have the case dismissed. The Rutherford Institute says it will now ask the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that school officials violated McComb's constitutional rights. "This is a very important free-speech case that will affect the rights of all persons across America," states John Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute, in a press release. "If government officials can extinguish speech by turning off microphones at public assemblies, then none of us will have any rights." He argues that McComb's case is another example of a "politically correct culture" that silences Christians in order not to offend those of other beliefs. "Brittany McComb worked hard to earn the right to address her classmates as valedictorian," Whitehead says on his firm's website, "and she has a constitutional right-like any other student-to freely speak about the factors that contributed to her success, whether they be a supportive family, friends, or her faith in Jesus Christ."Brittany McComb was one of three valedictorians chosen to deliver a speech at the June 2006 commencement ceremony at Foothill High School.She is currently studying at Oxford University.
Read a complete history of this case and view a video of Brittany McComb's speech
By Jodi Brown
As in the days of Noah....
Sunday, March 29, 2009
State Department Releases Religious Freedom Blacklist

By Ethan Cole
Christian Post Reporter
Christian Post Reporter
As in the days of Noah...
International Policy Watchdogs Call U.N.'s "Defamation of Religions" Dangerous

By Michelle A. Vu
Christian Post Reporter
Christian Post Reporter
As in the days of Noah...
U.N.Council Ignores Mass Petition,Adopts "Defamation of Religions" Resolution

Christian Post Reporter
As in the days of Noah....
Not Guilty Plea for Alleged Ill. Church Shooter
A man charged in the fatal shooting of a pastor during church services said that he wanted to plead guilty, moments after his attorney entered a not-guilty plea on his behalf.
Settlement Lets Christian Preach in Public Square

As in the days of Noah...
California college denies funding to Christian club
By Charlie Butts
As in the days of Noah...
Bishop of Rochester resigns to become defender of persecuted Christians

Dr Michael Nazir-Ali is only 59 and could have stayed for another decade in his post, one of the most senior in the Church, but has chosen instead to devote the rest of his career to working in communities where Christians are in a minority.While this is likely to see him involved in the Middle East and Pakistan, the bishop revealed that he also plans to work with Muslim converts to Christianity in Britain.He said he has been inspired by the story of Hannah Shah, an Imam's daughter who faced being killed by her family for refusing an arranged marriage before becoming a Christian."Bishop Michael is hoping to work with a number of church leaders from areas where the church is under pressure, particularly in minority situations, who have asked him to assist them with education and training for their particular situation," said a spokesman.
In a letter to clergy in his diocese, the bishop said: "I have decided that the time is now right for me to step down as Bishop of Rochester. I have valued my modest part in the life of the Church locally, nationally and globally."We take this step of faith 'not knowing where we are going.'"Dr Nazir-Ali, who is the Church's first and only Asian bishop, received death threats himself after warning last year that parts of the country have been turned into "no-go" areas for non-Muslims.He has been unafraid to speak out since being appointed as Bishop of Rochester in 1994 and has risen to become a leading champion of traditional Christianity in Britain.Many saw him as a likely contender to succeed George Carey as Archbishop of Canterbury in 2002, but he has instead become a focus for the conservative evangelical wing of the Church that has opposed the incumbent, Dr Rowan Williams.His interventions over the row over homosexual clergy in the Anglican Church have been seen as a direct challenge to the archbishop.Nevertheless, Dr Williams paid tribute to Dr Nazir-Ali's contribution to the Church of England."Bishop Michael's decision to undertake this new and very challenging ministry will leave a real gap in the ranks of English bishops," he said."His enormous theological skill, his specialist involvement in the complex debates around bioethics, his wide international experience and his clarity of mind and expression have made him a really valuable colleague, and he has served the Church and the wider society with dedication and distinction."In his new work with churches in minority situations, he will need all our prayer and support."It is a courageous initiative and a timely one."
In a letter to clergy in his diocese, the bishop said: "I have decided that the time is now right for me to step down as Bishop of Rochester. I have valued my modest part in the life of the Church locally, nationally and globally."We take this step of faith 'not knowing where we are going.'"Dr Nazir-Ali, who is the Church's first and only Asian bishop, received death threats himself after warning last year that parts of the country have been turned into "no-go" areas for non-Muslims.He has been unafraid to speak out since being appointed as Bishop of Rochester in 1994 and has risen to become a leading champion of traditional Christianity in Britain.Many saw him as a likely contender to succeed George Carey as Archbishop of Canterbury in 2002, but he has instead become a focus for the conservative evangelical wing of the Church that has opposed the incumbent, Dr Rowan Williams.His interventions over the row over homosexual clergy in the Anglican Church have been seen as a direct challenge to the archbishop.Nevertheless, Dr Williams paid tribute to Dr Nazir-Ali's contribution to the Church of England."Bishop Michael's decision to undertake this new and very challenging ministry will leave a real gap in the ranks of English bishops," he said."His enormous theological skill, his specialist involvement in the complex debates around bioethics, his wide international experience and his clarity of mind and expression have made him a really valuable colleague, and he has served the Church and the wider society with dedication and distinction."In his new work with churches in minority situations, he will need all our prayer and support."It is a courageous initiative and a timely one."
By Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Religious Affairs Correspondent
As in the days of Noah...
Monday, March 23, 2009

I am having a hard time dealing with this.I haven't slept in two nights at all and I've been feeling physically sick.
I find myself beyond words.
I want to truly thank all those of you that sent me a note of encouragement,and overall for your agreement in prayer.
I have no way of repay you for all the love and prayers and the care even though we have never sen each other.The Lord will reward you.
You have no idea what it meant for me and my family
God bless you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
As in the days of Noah....
PS:Bro. Norris,loved the persecuted church and it is in great part because of him that I have this blog.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
An anti-conversion bill in Sri Lanka faces opposition

As in the days of Noah...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Vietnam Police Kill Christian Farmer Amid Rural Crackdown

PRAY that the Vietnamese Christians will be strengthened in their faith and that God will protect them from harassment and violent acts against them.
PRAY that Christianity continues to flourish under the regime.
PRAY that the Communist officials will acknowledge that persecution is taking place and that the international community will continue to expose the persecution of Christians in Vietnam.
PRAISE that some of the Vietnamese authorities are becoming more favorable towards Christians.
For more general information, please go to ICC’s website on Vietnam.
As in the days of Noah...
China:Violent crackdown by Chinese authorities on dissent now a daily occurrence

PRAY that the Chinese government will halt the intimidation and persecution of Chinese Christians who support or who are involved with ìdomestic churchesî by abiding with Charter 08.
PRAY that the Chinese Christians will be creative with their worship and that they continue to wisely and boldly spread the Gospel to the Chinese people.
PRAY that Christianity continues to flourish under the regime.
PRAY that the international community will continue to expose the persecution of Christians in China.
For more general information, please go to ICC’s website on China.
As in the days of Noah...

To read more go to:
International Christian Concern
As in the days of Noah...
Believers in India have reached 10 to 11 percent of the population
Pray for boldness for believers as they continue to be persecuted.
As in the days of Noah...
Cuban government remains unfriendly toward Christians

Pray that the hearts of government leaders would be softened so permits might be provided for these centers.
Pray also that funding would come in to support the believers and churches in Cuba that are working hard to spread the love of Christ with few resources.
If you would like to help World Serve in their endeavors, click here.
As in the days of Noah....
Uneasy calm hangs over Nigeria

Pray boldness and wisdom for the Christians.
As in the days of Noah...
"Moderate" Egypt Imitates Saudi Arabian Extremism:Six Egyptian Christians Sentenced to Three Years Imprisonment for Not Observing Islamic Holiday

[]The decision to detain Christians for running their business in the month of Ramadan is unprecedented in Egypt.Though Egypt claims to be a moderate Islamic country, their decision in this case actually follows the principles of the radical brand of Wahhabi Islam that is enforced by the Saudi Arabian government.The brothers have appealed their case but they still remain in custodyICC’s Regional for Africa, Jonathan Racho, stated,“It is outrageous that the Egyptian authorities punish Christians for violating an Islamic holiday. It is unacceptable for Egyptian authorities to expect Christians to observe Ramadan. This case is a clear example of the systematic and growing discrimination Egyptian Christians face with the further radicalization of Muslims in Egypt. We call upon the Egyptian authorities to immediately release these Christians.”Egypt is a major recipient of foreign aid from the United States. US officials must pressure the Egyptian government to release the six Christians who are unjustly imprisoned.
Please call the Egyptian embassies in your countries and politely ask the Egyptian officials to release the Christians.
Please pray for the safety and release of the brothers.
202 895 5400
202 244 4319
(613 )234-4931
202 895 5400
202 244 4319
(613 )234-4931
020 7235 9777
020 7235 6562
(00612) 6273 4437-6273 4438
(00612) 6273 4279
49 40 413326
49 40 413326
PS:Please go to the link and watch the violence against these cafe owners...It's outrageous and shows once more the intolerance and hatred in which christians in Egypt live in--day in and out.Let's keep these brothers in our prayers...!!!!!020 7235 9777
020 7235 6562
(00612) 6273 4437-6273 4438
(00612) 6273 4279
49 40 413326
49 40 413326
As in the days of Noah...

Somebody we love dearly is on life support.He's been on life support since last week when he coded at 300Am one nite...It is our pastor.He is more than a brother to us.He is part of our family and is like a father to us.He is only 47 and was diagnosed with colon cancer in october.We are still believing for a miracle,because we dont believe it is his time to go yet.So Ive been on the phone a lot,writting emails a lot,praying and fasting a lot,and trying to gon on with my life and rest in the midst of all this.Ive been trying to update my blogs everyday.Some days were more challenging than others.On top of that this coming week is what I call my "performing week"where you play as a soloist in front of real people that you dont know,and you get scored.Ive been doing pretty well but Im discouraged and sad.I just pick up the violin and play but I feel Im not there.I need the Lord to help me at all times.
I was just thinking that Ive gone thru a long season of struggle,trials,losses and disease and Im ready for a season of rest and restoration.
Events worldwide are going fast...faster than I anticipated they would.And all indicates that we are moving fast in time to a time of tribulation as the world has not known.
I have been feeling a prompting to spend more time alone with God and get my soul,mind and body ready for what is coming ahead.I urge you to do the same.To be ready at all times,cause we dont know the day and the hour.I know we all have a bunch of loved ones that are not saved yet.So we need to keep believing loving and praying and sharing the Word and working while it is still day...BUT the night comes...and is coming quickly...
Ive got to go now.We're headed to the hospital,cause today my pastor was scheduled to be disconnected from the ventilator for an hour to test if he could be weaned off it...This is difficult for all us .So IF the Lord leads you to pray for this,I would appreciate it and if you want to drop a line and let me know you are praying and where you are from,that would be really encouraging.
Thank you so much,for visiting my blog.
Im humbled to know many of you come back on a regular basis for news an for the truth and thank you to all those of you that sent me kind comments about it.
God bless you all
And Keep Looking Up....!!!
1 John 3:8
As in the days of Noah...
As in the days of Noah...
Friday, March 20, 2009
NORTH KOREA WATCH:Ministries Go Underground to Aid North Korea

Going Underground
“Our brothers and sisters in Christ in North Korea live under the worst oppression in the world—a modern day Holocaust. But because we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus is making an impact through us against the powers of darkness behind Kim Jong-Il,” said Mrs. H.S. Foley, Executive Director, Seoul USA.Foley, a fourth generation Christian, born in Seoul, South Korea, lived half of her life there before coming to the United States to earn an MBA. Through her work at Seoul USA and the new Underground University project, she is committed to making a difference around the world, and specifically in North Korea.“My passion and purpose is to serve as a bridge between Korean and American culture, mobilizing the resources of both to equip and collaborate with those in Asia who are typically overlooked for ministry. I want to equip and collaborate with them to reach others who, like themselves, are overlooked by the church and by society in general.”According to Foley, “Seoul USA is a network of people who want to go beyond the roles of donor or volunteer to become champions of the cause of serving the North Korean church.And, we want to expand our network to include others with the same goal.”To that goal, Seoul USA collaborates with Voice of The Martyrs in the United States and around the world to launch a million Gospel tracts by balloon into North Korea every year. The group also runs Underground University, a one-year North Korea missionary-training program, as well as a host of literature, radio, family ministries to North Korea.Foley hopes these efforts and new partnerships will raise up a new generation of church leadership for North Korea.“The main thing we see is a change in the way North Korean exiles view themselves,” she said.“They’re called North Korean defectors. They’ve even swallowed that identity for themselves. But they’re not defectors. They’re the North Korean Church in Exile—and waking them up to what that means will blow the future and the present wide open for the Underground Church inside North Korea.”Many defectors have previously trained in South Korean seminaries, hoping to return when the North is more open to the South. Such training may never be of use, Foley says, as North Korea shows no signs of warming to its counterpart.“Worse, the bared arm of the North Korean Underground Church—the one arm we can fully strategize with, train, equip, and redeploy to thrive today back inside of North Korea and China and wherever NK citizens travel around the world—hangs limp and lifeless,” Foley continued.Foley hopes to change that with the group’s April 2 banquet. The evening’s featured speaker, Kim Sun Min, is a North Korean defector who has twice escaped the country and now functions as dean of Underground University.
Meeting the Greatest Needs
“Probably the most restricted nation in the world is the country of North Korea, as far the gospel,” said Todd Nettleton, Director of Media Development for Voice of the Martyrs (VoM). The persecution watchdog partners with Seoul USA.“The phrase that I use is, ‘North Korea is a prison camp disguised as a country.’ Everyone in North Korea is oppressed, everyone is persecuted. Christians are just singled out for the very worst persecution and the very worst oppression.”The country’s government encourages its citizens to spy and report on each other, creating a “paranoid society,” Nettleton said. In such an environment, everyday needs such as food and clothing become huge challenges. Because of that, current mission to North Korea mostly take the form of food assistance, said Alpha Relief President Chris Moore.“The biggest push that we have right now, is doing everything we can to directly assist, and sustain the orphans, the street kids, believers, and people connected with believers in the county of North Korea, primarily in the form of food aid,” said Moore.“North Korea is in a situation where they are perpetually on the edge of famine, or actually in famine.”While an increased food supply open the door to share physical and spiritual food with neighbors, Alpha Relief is mindful of the costs.“If you are caught with any form of scripture, you get up to a thirteen-year concentration camp sentence,” Moore said. “So because of that we have to be very creative.”
By Ginny McCabe Contributing Writer Contributing Writer
As in the days of Noah...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Jordan Militants Get Heavy Sentence for Church Bomb Plot

By Ethan Cole
Christian Post Reporter
Christian Post Reporter
As in the days of Noah...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Kazakh church reaches out despite persecution

Judy is asking you to pray for "continuing growth in the leaders, that they would be able to remain strong under this persecution, and that in the midst of it that they would grow spiritually."
Pray also that western missionaries will know when to let go and allow the national church to do the work.
As in the days of Noah...
Azerbaijan to further restrict religious freedom

Pray that God will stop the literature censorship.If that isn't stopped, pray that God would allow the training to continue and the literature to get into the hands of Christians who need it.
You can help financially. Just click here.
As in the days of Noah...
Thieves Stone Christians,Killing Woman,for Going to Police:Group Wanted to "Teach a Lesson" to Christians after Robbed Man Reported Them
As in the days of Noah...
Intimidating Critics of Islam:"Politicians and citizens who raise questions about the religion are targeted"

By Rick Santorum
Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum is a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum is a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
As in the days of Noah....
EGYPT:"Ruling on Bid for Christian ID Expected Soon";Attorney says he is "90% sure" that convert from Islam will win case
Should El-Gohary be granted the right to officially convert on Feb. 21, he would become the first Egyptian born a Muslim to do so.Such a precedent could pave the way for Hegazy, whose petition to legally change his religious status was denied in January of last year.His lawyer, Gamal Eid, said this week he hopes to obtain another court date for his appeal.“It would be very good for any cases like this,” Eid said.“It will open the door for people who are looking for freedom of belief.”As much as a favorable ruling for El-Gohary would represent a milestone for freedom of belief in Egypt, the editor of the Egyptian newspaper Watani said he would have concerns about the impact of such a decision.“Definitely there will be a backlash, whether from al-Azhar [university and mosque in Cairo], the Islamic supreme authority, or from the media or from the people,” said Youssef Sidhom, a Coptic Christian. “This is expected, and I suppose our government should be prepared to deal with such reactions.”Ghobreyal, however, maintained that success would secure a route for all those wishing to officially change their religious affiliation.“They will not be able to do that [ban official conversion in the future],” he said, “because of the international covenants and treaties which Egypt has ratified and the difficulty of making a law against apostasy, on which Islamic jurisprudence differs about how it should be handled.”Despite a constitution that grants religious freedom, legal conversion from Islam to another faith remains unprecedented. Hegazy, who filed his case on Aug. 2, 2007, was denied the right to officially convert in a Jan. 29, 2008 court ruling that declared it was against Islamic law for a Muslim to leave Islam.The judge based his decision on Article II of the Egyptian constitution, which enshrines Islamic law, or sharia, as the source of Egyptian law.The judge said that, according to sharia, Islam is the final and most complete religion and therefore Muslims already practice full freedom of religion and cannot return to an older belief (Christianity or Judaism).Egyptian President Anwar Sadat amended the constitution in 1980 to make sharia the main source of legislation in order to bolster support from Islamists against his secular and leftist rivals. Legal experts say there are two views of how sharia is to influence Egyptian law: That it is to be enforced directly in all government spheres, or that it is only to influence shaping of law by legislators and is not to be literally enforced by courts or other bodies.
As in the days of Noah...
Orissa Archbishop:"Gov't Ignored Violence Because Victims are Poor"

By Michelle A. Vu
Christian Post Reporter
As in the days of Noah....
World Watch China Video
China has recently been moved to #12 (from 10) on the World Watch List.20th century China was shaped by isolation, communism and hostility towards Christianity.In the face of persecution, Christianity continues to spread in China, a country of 60 to 80 million Christians...
Open Doors World Watch List 2009 Now Available

Open Doors mission is to use this extensive resource to spread awareness of the degree and severity of persecution around the world.
To help spread awareness Open Doors have made the complete and comprehensive World Watch List free and available for download.
Go to the link below to download this helpful resource and share it with family,friends and church.
God Bless You
As in the days of Noah...
Voice of America Report Reveals that Meeting Between Beijing House Church Leaders and Government Officials was Misreported

The Equivocal Relationship Between the Chinese House Churches and the Chinese Government
By Ya Wei, Voice of America
Last December, the house church leaders in China held a conference in Beijing.According to the person in charge, the conference was not officially supported by the Chinese government as some have assumed.The relationship between the Chinese house churches and the Chinese government remains equivocal.A few international media sources,including The Times,reported that the Chinese officials and leaders of the Chinese house churches secretly met with each other last year in Beijing, which marked the first significant step towards reconciliation in decades.It was reported that the two parties joined together as negotiators instead of opponents. It was also said that the meeting was at a crucial time because this year is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the P.R.C.,and the Chinese government desires a national celebration without any disturbance.The Times reported on the rapid increase of the Chinese Christian population in recent years.The Chinese officials privately estimate there are about 130,000,000 Christians in China, many of whom belong to the house churches.The number of Christians in China far exceeds the population of the Communist Party members (Currently there are 74,000,000 Communist Party members).The church leaders believe that this is one of the reasons why the official Chinese think tank-Research Center of the State Council-summoned two breakthrough conferences in late 2008.It was reported that the majority of those who attended the first conference were academics and lawyers, many of whom are house church members; the second conference brought together six house church leaders.
NGOs Arrange House Church Research Conference
Dr. Fan, Yafeng, an academic of Law in Beijing, organized and attended the meeting on December 1st, 2008. In the meeting, they discussed the treatment of the house churches’ development and the issues in regarding the house churches’ identity. According to Dr. Fan’s description, it was a small-scale meeting among NGOs, which was not how it was promoted-namely,that it was authorized by and was given under the auspices of the Chinese government to get to know the situation of the house churches and create a dialogue with the two groups. “The conference was a small internal research meeting that an NGO hosted to prepare for a research report on house church issues. One thing I can confirm, this meeting did not have official Chinese backing or authorization to begin a dialogue with house church leaders,” said Dr. Fan. According to an anonymous organizer, the meeting attendees consisted of three groups: specialists and lawyers on religious freedom regarding the relationship of religion and legality; house church leaders and academics from NGOs in the related field. “We hope that, through discussions on the relationship between the house churches and the government, we will impact future policy on religion. We hope the new policy will improve the politics-religion relationship.”
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