Friday, August 8, 2008

Leader of a local House church in Isfahan was murdered by plain clothes officers

Once again the blood of a martyr who preached the heavenly gospel of Jesus Christ was shed in the land of Iran.
Blessed be all those Christians and the lovers of Jesus Christ who sacrifice their blood for God’s word!
According to Farsi Christian News Network, and our news sources from Malek-Shahr in Isfahan, following the incident of the arrests of several Christians on Sunday night, July 27, 2008, at a house-church gathering whose members had gathered together to worship the Lord, Mr. Abbas Amiri, who had made his home available for the believers of the town to gather and to worship the Lord together, was attacked and beaten up plain clothes security officers.Unfortunately, our brother, due to his old age and the extent of his injuries, died at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, July 30, 2008, at a hospital in the city of Isfahan, and went to be with His Lord.
Based on reports from, plain clothes security officers, after attacking and entering the house of Martyr Amiri, became even more furious when they discovered that this man, who had been hosting house-church meeting at his house, had visited the Muslim holy city of Mecca and had become a ranking and honored “pilgrim” or “Haji” when he was a practicing Muslim. Also, he, who had also fought in the Iran-Iraq war as a devoted fighter, had now become a Christian and was organizing and conducting gospel meetings at his home.
The Amiri family and his sons, buried this honorable martyr of the Lord’s at his birthplace of Masjid-Soleiman on Thursday, July 31, 2008. According to our news crew from Masjid-Soleiman, despite the opposition and attempts made by the local security forces to prevent the attendance of mourners and friends of the family, the funeral service was conducted and the burial was attended by many friends and supporters of Martyr Amiri in a mainly non-religious ceremony.
The Farsi Christian New Network, along with other evangelical and Christian organizations, in and out of Iran, sends their utmost sympathies and condolences to the family and friends of Martyr Amiri, especially to the members of the house-church, which were hosted by the brother at his house.
We declare that we will not sink into a spirit of mourning and wear black clothing, as it’s the habit of some, because we believe that he is safe and fully resting in the loving arms of the Lord Jesus. Instead, we rejoice with ever increasing resolve and power that the word of God would continue to advance in Iran. We won’t stop or deviate from our goal and vision.
May his honorable spirit and blood water the seeds of Christ’s heavenly church in Iran.
More news will be available promptly upon the receipt of additional details from Iran.
As in the days of Noah...

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